Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 5-Berlin-An eventful train journey

Our fifth day started with breakfast and checking out of the hostel. We then got the 10:34 train to Berlin, arriving at 17:20. We then got the bus to the hostel, we of course missed the stop we were supposed to get off at which meant a bit of a walk but we got there in the end, on the bus we encountered a group of drunk Rastafarians which wasn't a great first experience of Berlin; as well as the ton of graffiti that is around. It's a very nice hostel. Our room is shared with two girls from Madrid university who are nice enough, maybe a bit shy. We then went out into a local area looking for a kebab however the queue was huge, so we ate a curry wurst which was actually really tasty. 

Of course after this we went to a bar and had a few German beers! Very nice! (We're writing this whilst having those beers)

The train journey to Berlin was actually quite eventful. On the way we saw loads of deer and some kind of cow, we think they are yaks (big black cows with horns, the type LBC would go for). There were also hundreds of wind turbines, which was very different to the trains in old Britain.  

We stopped at a station and a train passed the other way with over 100 tanks and humvees on. Our theory was either Europe declared war on England or there was a Godzilla like creature making its way towards the red light district, in need of girls and a lot of cannabis. We were happy we had left Amsterdam when we did. 

The next incident to occur on this infamous train journey was the Polizei walking on when we entered Deutschland (the station was Bad Bentheim, in fact Ben was having a very good time, HA HA HA)! They stormed on and cornered an innocent Argentinian, held him at gun point, demanding for his passport and the reasoning behind his trip to Germany. After checking through his passport and making sure everything was legit they marched on and left the carriage in silence, not a word spoken to the poor chap. Before this rude interruption Ben and I were playing a cracking game of 'Guess the fLavour of the jelly bean'. We were actually very good. Ben was better. The last time Ben played this Chloe gave him a dirt flavoured jelly bean. He guessed right of course. Other than these events the train journey was quite dull. It was all on one train, the landscape was interesting at times but we were listening to our iPods most of the journey, and taking it in turns with sleeping, to protect our bags from local hooligans. It is very cold in Berlin. Slightly colder than Amsterdam and there is quite thick snow everywhere. Tomorrow I need to buy a thicker jumper and Myles needs to buy a new pair of gloves. He did have a pair of gloves, but of course he has lost them. Our Myles, ay? 

Sorry about the posts going up late. There are technical difficulties with the app I am using. We will try to sort it out so the blog posts go up at the right time but I can't guarantee anything. Have an absolutely cracking Sunday anyway. 

Ben and Myles x

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